Advanced SEO Strategies You Can Learn for Free at Hadi E-Learning

Hadi E-learning
3 min readJul 18, 2024


Search Engine Opimization
Credit: Image created by Author using Photoshop and Illustrator

Are you searching for an advanced SEO course that guides you EXACTLY on how to rank websites in multiple niches? The SEO with AI Mastery Course by Hadi E-Learning is your best choice if you want better traffic, advanced rankings, and more from search engine optimization (SEO).

Whether you’re looking for sales, store visits, or leads, this SEO with AI mastery course tricks can help you get the job done. Keep reading to learn more about these trusted search engine optimization techniques you can learn at Hadi E-Learning and some website optimization tools you can use!

1. Reoptimize Old Content

Your previously written, underperforming content is like a bike with a flat tire. You have it, but you can’t use it.

How do I reoptimize old content?

You can find old content to reoptimize using several strategies. You may follow these strategies:

  • Analyzing organic traffic or conversion data in Google Analytics
  • Checking impressions and clicking data in Google Search Console for pages
  • Assessing keyword rankings and traffic

2. Develop an Internal Linking Process

This SEO with AI mastery course shares strategies that help your website:

  • Show the relation between pages
  • Improve the rankings of pages

That’s why businesses, no matter the size of their site, need to use this SEO technique.

How do I develop an internal linking process?

You can, however, get started with this advanced search engine optimization strategy by checking the following:

  • Number of inbound links to your site
  • Number of inbound links per page

3. Optimize Content for Google RankBrain

RankBrain explains a machine learning SEO algorithm from Google. The click-through rate (CTR) is the prime concern for RankBrain. Just focus on two areas:

  • Title tag
  • Meta description

Your title tag and meta description are a quick refresher in search results.

How do we optimize title tags and meta descriptions?

For the best results of SEO Algorithms, your title tag and meta description should include your core keyword. Easy! Just try to answer the following:

  • What problem are the pages committing to solving?
  • What emotions do the title tags use?
  • Which format do the title tags follow?

4. Target Keywords for Featured Snippets

You could no longer have critical traffic if you lose the featured snippet. So, SEOs now focus on new SEO techniques.

How do I target keywords without featured snippets?

To follow this technique, you need to follow these ways:

  • Check if your content satisfies the user's intent or answers the user’s query
  • Don’t forget that your webpage will appear in the featured snippet only if it answers the user's main question as soon as the user starts reading. Don't wait to answer the user’s query at the end of your content.

SEO with AI Mastery Course: Why Choose Hadi E-Learning?

Advanced SEO strategies give you an edge over your competitors. This free SEO with AI Mastery course at Hadi E-Learning allows you to generate robust client traffic. In this free course, we will reveal the most effective advanced SEO strategies you can use at the agency to create consistent, exceptional results for your clients! These are just a few highlights of our course. You will have to learn a lot more once you explore. So, why wait? Just enroll and see the magic!



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